A couple of weeks unemployed
So, the 29th September is only 4 days away. For that is day before the Oxford Pursuit (Orientation) event and the day that I finally (finally!) move to Oxford.
Since leaving work on 15th September, I have had to go to Oxford a few times in order to:
1. Pick up books (bought from outgoing students),
2. Register at my college,
3. Measure up my room,
4. Get my PC networked with the University,
5. Meet some of the incoming students at a social event,
6. Attend a careers forum/workshop (well, actually this is not until 27th).
Being without a car (for the first time since I was 21) I have been using the bus to commute, which I have to admit, is an interesting feeling as before last week, I cannot remember the last time that I used a bus. The experience is quite novel, and so I include the photos taken of the bus station (no, not pretty) and the view from the bus as I pass SBS on my way home.