Week 6 Hilary
This week allowed less frantic work than that of the recent past and so I had the ability to sit in the library and do some decent research into my large projects.
I had planned for the ability to row most days however with the Isis being amber or red flagged that didn't really happen. On the subject of rowing, next week is supposed to be Torpids however there is much doubt as to whether it can take place at all. Not so good...
This weekend, Julie, Lisa and I did a large portion of our Operations Management project which involves modeling the queuing system in a well known coffee shop. We then interviewed the store manager to gain further insights into an amazingly fast moving business.
Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday
On Tuesday I was introduced to Mardi Gras by some of my American friends. Seeing as they couldn't be in New Orleans they decided that the Jam Factory in Oxford would have to do. Seeing as it was a school night (and having been caught out by this gang previously) I joined Dan Adams at Jesus college at 8pm for their pub quiz.....
Dr Patrick O'Connell
Dr O'Connell is the managing director of BT's Major Programmes. He is the man in charge of BT's portion of the new NHS computer system and came in on Wednesday to explain the concerns with running such a large programme. He explained the differences between project, programme and major programme management and detailed the famous failures in the area of such major programmes (i.e the Hubble Telescope not working first time around and requiring a manned space mission to fix it).
This was a great talk from someone who really knew his stuff.
McKinsey Recruitment event
On Thursday I attended the McKinsey Recruitment event at the school. As the biggest employer of Oxford MBAs, there were high expectations of this presentation and we weren't disappointed. It was a very well prepared and brilliantly delivered event hosted by a partner who happens to be an alumni of the school. Very impressive.
22% Club Dinner
For Valentines day it is tradition for all the male Oxford MBAs to buy roses for all the female MBA's. These were presented last week following the Operations Management lecture on Wednesday and this dinner was arranged by all the female MBAs as a way of saying thank you.
In case you are wondering, the course is made up of 22% females...hence the 22% club.
Open Mic Event
An event arranged by Ean Hernandez (he's on the drums) where it is a free for all for all the amateur musicians to express their 'musical identity'. It was a great event that followed the 22% dinner and gave us some great music to listen to as we attempted to relax before a weekend of work.
Pamela's Birthday Following both the 22% club dinner and Open Mic event a few of us went to Ashton and Wayne's house to help Pamela celebrate her birthday. It was a fun night of 'truth or dare' and generally relaxing
Simon, Jacqueline, Sonny, Fred, Kaz, Swapandeep, Pamela, Kian, Shinji
On Saturday night at 11.30 we all piled round to Rewley Abbey Court (Templeton's college housing) common room to celebrate Arash's birthday (which was on Sunday). Earlier in the evening a few of us had been for dinner with him, however seeing as the main party was to be a surprise we had all said goodbye following the meal. He seemed to walk home having expected a party.... He got one an hour and a half later....
Arash with his cake
Tonight Namiko and I went to see Blood Diamond at the cinema. For anyone that has not seen it, we strongly recommend it. I remember all the news feeds and so it was all the more real.
So this week has been one of birthdays and research. Week 7 is looming large with the standard strategy assignments as well as operations management and another (yes another) finance paper due...And its only 3 weeks until exams...