Week 1 Michaelmas and Matriculation
What a week!
They weren't kidding when they said that it would be a lot of work. To explain a little further; from Monday to Friday, I would wake up at 7 (normally with a book on my chest), start working (through breakfast) at 7.20 and then work through until midnight (having time off for lunch and dinner on some days). Its an amazing pace.
The lecturers are extremely tallented and can seem to make even the most dry of subjects into an involving discussion.
You will be happy to hear that the assignment (mentioned in the last post) was completed and submitted on Friday, thus giving us the weekend to enjoy Matriculation and catch up on other work.
Speaking of Matriculation (the official ceremony granting us access to Oxford University), I am including some photos. It was a very interesting event which included us having a roll-call in hall at 9am, followed by being ushered into the ceremony (which lasted 15 mins). Between the ceremony and our official photo shoot, and in true Oxford Tradition, piled into the Turf Tavern for a pint before standing for our official photo.
The Sheldonian Theatre crammed with new Oxford students just before we hear the welcoming address in Latin

The MBAs at Hertford. From left to right, me, Uzra, Takashi, Shoko, Brandon, Simon, Dexter, Mark, Pawan, Swapandeep
With Swapandeep and Mark just after having our Hertford Matriculation Photo taken.
And on the evening of Matriculation, Herford MCR (middle common room) hosted a ball for us and our guests. It really was an excellent evening with jugglers, belly dancers, sushi, face painting (yes, face painting), a disco and a live band. Not to mention; loads and loads of alcohol, the effects of which, I am still feeling today.
Namiko, Pawan and Mahima all looking very smart
Dexter, Me, Mahima, Pawan, Carson and Martin
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